Previous publications from these surveys:
Benedict, L., Charles, A., Brockington, A., & Dahlin, C. R. (2022). A survey of vocal mimicry in companion parrots. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 20271.
Some related publications from the research team:
Dahlin, C. R., Young, A. M., Cordier, B., Mundry, R., & Wright, T. F. (2014). A test of multiple hypotheses for the function of call sharing in female budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 68, 145-161.
Hoeschele, M., Merchant, H., Kikuchi, Y., Hattori, Y., & ten Cate, C. (2015). Searching for the origins of musicality across species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370(1664), 20140094. Honing, H., & Marx, S. (2019). The Evolving Animal Orchestra: In search of what makes us musical. MIT Press. Mitterer H, Eger NA, Reinisch E (2020) My English sounds better than yours: Second-language learners perceive their own accent as better than that of their peers. PLOS ONE 15(2): e0227643. Osiecka, A. N., Briefer, E. F., Kidawa, D., & Wojczulanis-Jakubas, K. (2024). Strong individual distinctiveness across the vocal repertoire of a colonial seabird, the little auk, Alle alle. Animal Behaviour, 210, 199-211. Pepperberg, I. M. (2000). The Alex studies: cognitive and communicative abilities of grey parrots. Harvard University Press. Seki, Y. (2021). Cockatiels sing human music in synchrony with a playback of the melody. Plos one, 16(9), e0256613. Spierings, M. J., & Ten Cate, C. (2016). Budgerigars and zebra finches differ in how they generalize in an artificial grammar learning experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(27), E3977-E3984. |